Terms and Conditions of Instruction at the "Myler" Resort Ski School

Yegipatrush Village, Aragatsotn Province, Republic of Armenia

  1. General Provisions

1.1. This document serves as the public offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) of the “Myler” Resort Ski School (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”). It is directed at all active legal entities and capable natural persons and includes all essential terms of the agreement for the provision of skiing and snowboarding course selection and booking services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”).

1.2. The courses are paid instructional services for skiing and snowboarding provided by the Organizer in accordance with the Terms. These services become available after being selected by the Client. Information about the courses is accessible on the Organizer’s official website.

1.3. The “Myler” Resort Ski School is a specially designated and equipped location for courses situated in Yegipatrush Village, Aragatsotn Province, Republic of Armenia. It comprises technical, technological, and organizational resources, as well as entities (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), that facilitate active and passive recreation for consumers, including skiing and snowboarding using sports and recreational equipment.

1.4. These Terms, together with their appendices and the Pricing List published on the Organizer’s website, constitute an integral part of this public offer and are displayed in publicly accessible areas within the Organizer’s facilities.

1.5. “Myler” is a legal entity established under the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and operates based on its Charter.

1.6. Unless otherwise specified in these Terms, payment for the Services and/or use of the Services is considered the Client’s acceptance of these Terms (the “Myler” public offer). This offer is valid indefinitely; however, the Client must accept these Terms each time they engage with the Services after the Service period ends as outlined in this Document.

1.7. By accepting these Terms and/or paying for the Services, any legal person (including those who have entered into a separate agreement with the Organizer to pay for Services on behalf of third parties) or natural person (acting on their behalf or for the benefit of their minor children) who accepts this offer becomes a Client of the Organizer (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”). According to the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia, acceptance of the offer is equivalent to entering into an agreement under the terms specified in the offer. Consequently, the Organizer and the Client become parties to the public agreement. If the Client disagrees with any provision of this offer, the Organizer advises them not to use the Services.

1.8. For the purposes of these Terms, Clients are defined as legal and/or natural persons who have accepted this offer, and/or paid for the Services provided by the Organizer, and/or used the Services in accordance with these Terms. Clients may also include children under 120 cm in height and/or minors (under 18 years of age) who are accompanied by parents, legal representatives, or instructors. In such cases, the accompanying individuals bear full responsibility for the children’s behavior, any harm caused to the children or third parties, and the children’s compliance with these Terms.

1.9. Clients may include both legal entities and natural persons, except for the following:

1.9.1. Individuals under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or psychotropic substances.

1.9.2. Individuals whose behavior may pose a threat to the safety or condition of the Rental Point or Resort, or whose actions contradict public norms of behavior.

1.9.3. Children under 120 cm in height and/or minors (under 18 years of age) who are not accompanied by parents, legal representatives, or instructors. In such cases, the accompanying individuals bear full responsibility for the children’s behavior, as well as any harm caused to the children or third parties, and the children’s compliance with these Rules.

1.9.4. Individuals with limited abilities who require assistance from others due to their limitations.

1.10. The rates for the Services (hereinafter referred to as “Rates”) are approved by the Organizer’s authorized body. The Rates are detailed in Annex A of these Rules, which forms an integral part of the terms of the “Myler” Resort Ski School. Payments already made will not be recalculated if the Rates are updated.

1.11. The Client consents to the processing of their personal data by the Organizer. This consent is granted for the purpose of receiving the Services and applies to the following data: first name, last name, patronymic, phone number, email address, passport or other identification document details (in accordance with Armenian legislation), residential address, and photograph (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”).

1.12. The Organizer undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the Clients’ Personal Data, not to disclose it, and to use it exclusively for the purposes mentioned above and/or in cases prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

1.13. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse to provide Services to any Client who does not comply with the Rules and/or violates the requirements of these Rules and their annexes, without additional explanation and without refunding the amount paid for the Services.

  1. Subject of the Agreement and Moment of Conclusion

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the provision of services for selecting and conducting skiing and/or snowboarding courses for individuals who wish to participate in group and/or individual skiing and/or snowboarding lessons, including pre-booking services as outlined in the Terms and Pricing List.

2.2. The text of this Agreement is considered a public offer.

2.3. Acceptance of the offer signifies the Client’s full and unconditional acceptance of all terms of this Agreement without any exceptions and/or limitations and is equivalent to the conclusion of a written Agreement. By accepting the terms of this offer, the Client acknowledges that the Parties do not intend to draft or exchange paper copies of the service provision agreement or its annexes in the future.

2.4. To accept the offer, a physical and/or legal person must sequentially perform the following actions:
2.4.1. Familiarize themselves with these Terms, the Rules of Conduct on Slopes, the Rules for Using the Resort Services where the courses are conducted, the Terms of Conducting and Participating in the Courses, and additional conditions related to the provision of supplementary booking services for temporary accommodation and transportation, as well as other information posted on the website.
2.4.2. Confirm the parameters of the selected Courses.
2.4.3. Pay for the Courses according to the applicable Rates.

2.5. Payment for the Course by the Client constitutes full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this Agreement and is equivalent to entering into a written Agreement, irrespective of compliance with the conditions of Clause 2.4.

2.6. At the time of service provision, the individual confirms that all information about the conditions of conducting and participating in the Courses, as well as other essential conditions, has been fully communicated to them.

2.7. Before concluding the Agreement, the Client has reviewed detailed information about the Services and Rates (including, if necessary, by contacting the Organizer or visiting the social media page), the Organizer’s address (location), and the cost of the Course as per the current Rates, along with the conditions for modifying or terminating (withdrawing from) the Agreement.

2.8. The Agreement is considered concluded at the moment the Client pays for the Course.

2.9. This Agreement serves as the official basis for the relationship between the Client and the Organizer. The Client confirms that all terms of this Agreement are clear to them and that they fully and unconditionally accept them.

  1. Rights and Obligations of the Parties

3.1. The Organizer has the right to:
3.1.1. Require individuals seeking to receive the Services to fully accept the Terms and refuse to provide the Services if the individual does not accept the Terms.
3.1.2. Require the Client to attend the services and/or courses on the designated date and time and strictly comply with the instructions of the Organizer’s coaches and staff, as well as the rules for conducting and participating in the courses posted on the Organizer’s website and the rules for using the services of the Ski Resort where the courses are conducted.
3.1.3. Refuse to provide Services to the Client in the cases specified in Clause 1.9 of these Terms.
3.1.4. Unilaterally approve and amend the terms of this offer, the class schedule, the Rates, ticket types, the rules for conducting and participating in the courses, the procedure for refunds for unused services, and other conditions by notifying the Client through informational notices posted on noticeboards and/or the Organizer’s social media pages.

3.2. The Organizer is obliged to:
3.2.1. Grant the Client the right to fully receive the Services in strict compliance with the terms of this Agreement.
3.2.2. Provide the Client with necessary consultations on all issues related to the learning process.
3.2.3. Maintain the confidentiality of the information received from the Client during registration, except in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
3.2.4. Deliver high-quality services, including taking timely measures to prevent and address any issues related to the quality of the provided services and promptly notify the Client of any changes to the structure or conditions of the services under this Agreement.

3.3. The Client has the right to:
3.3.1. Select skiing and/or snowboarding courses in accordance with the terms of this offer.
3.3.2. Receive necessary consultations on all issues related to the learning process.
3.3.3. Unilaterally withdraw from the Services provided by the Organizer before they are rendered. Refunds are issued based on a refund request. In such cases, the Client must notify the Organizer in advance about the termination of this public offer, taking into account the procedure stipulated in Clause 7.4.

3.4. The Client is obliged to:
3.4.1. Accept all the terms of this Agreement upon payment for the course.
3.4.2. Familiarize themselves in detail with the terms of this Agreement, the Rules of Conduct on Slopes, and the Rules for Using the Services of the “Myler” Ski Resort where the courses are conducted, as well as know the contact number of the rescue service. The Organizer is not responsible for actions performed by the Client due to misinterpretation of the provided documents and/or instructions.
3.4.3. Follow safety rules and take full responsibility for their life and health while on the slopes, comply unconditionally with the instructions of the coach and Organizer’s staff, and adhere to the rules of the “Myler” Ski Resort.
3.4.4. Not use the coaches’ services without paying the fee specified for these services in cash, by acceptable card, or via terminal.
3.4.5. Not use the coaches’ services after the paid period has ended.
3.4.6. Retain proof of payment (receipt, non-cash payment slip) until the end of the service period.
3.4.7. Follow the coaches’ instructions regarding the duration and intensity of the courses, as well as the rules for attending the courses, and exhibit respectful and courteous behavior toward the Organizer’s coaches, staff, and other Clients.

  1. Procedure for Payments

4.1. After reviewing the Rates and selecting the parameters of the Services, the Client shall pay for the Services. Payment is made on a prepayment basis, covering 100% of the cost of the Services in accordance with the applicable Rates. Payment can be made in the following ways:

  • In cash by depositing the amount into the Organizer’s cash register.
  • By bank card using payment terminals.
  • Via transfer using the valid account details or payment link provided by the Organizer.

4.2. Payments must be made:

  • For online booking of Services, within 3 (three) days after the issuance of an invoice/payment link through the website.
  • In person, at the time of Service delivery.

4.3. The cost of the courses is determined in accordance with the Pricing List.
4.3.1. The Rates are approved by the Organizer’s management. The Rates can be reviewed on the Organizer’s official website and/or on informational boards located within the Organizer’s facilities.
4.3.2. The Organizer reserves the right to unilaterally amend the Rates. Payments made for Services prior to any change in the Rates will not be recalculated based on the new Rates.

4.4. If the Organizer fulfills its obligations under this Agreement as stipulated, the payment made by the Client is non-refundable.

4.5. Services are provided only upon full payment of their cost by the Client. If the cost of the Services specified in this Agreement is paid by a third party on behalf of the Client, the Client’s rights and obligations under this Agreement remain unchanged.

  1. Client’s Personal Data and Provision of Informed Consent for Processing

5.1. By accepting this offer, the Client consents to the processing and transfer (including cross-border transfer) of their personal data exclusively for the purposes defined in this Agreement and in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

5.2. The Client consents to the processing of their personal data, specifically (but not limited to): collection, recording, organization, accumulation, storage, adjustment (updating, modification), retrieval, use, transfer (provision, dissemination, granting access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, and destruction.

5.3. The Client consents to the processing of the following personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, residential address, contact phone number, contact email address, as well as the primary identification document number of the Client or the person whose interests the Client represents, along with details about the issuance date of the document and the issuing authority.

5.4. Personal data processing refers to the collection, organization, accumulation, adjustment, updating, modification, use, provision, dissemination, transfer (including cross-border transfer), anonymization, blocking, destruction, and any other operation performed on personal data. The processing of the Client’s personal data may be conducted using automated tools and/or without automated tools in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

5.5. The Organizer undertakes the necessary legal, organizational, and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, dissemination, and other unlawful actions. The Organizer is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the Client’s personal data. The Client can review the Organizer’s personal data protection policy on the Organizer’s website.

5.6. The consent for the processing and dissemination of personal data is valid for 20 years from the date of providing the personal data.

  1. Liability of the Parties

6.1. In the event of non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, taking into account the terms of this Agreement.

6.2. The Organizer shall not be held liable for the Client’s failure to understand or comply with the Organizer’s requirements and rules, the Rules of Conduct on Slopes, or the Rules for Using the Services of the Ski Resort.

6.3. The Organizer shall not be held liable for the safety of the Client’s property, valuables, documents, or monetary funds, including sports equipment or payment documents (receipts) confirming payment for the Services.

6.4. The Organizer shall not be held liable for the technical condition of the slopes, the presence of snow on the slopes, or any restrictions on their use.

6.5. The Organizer shall not be held liable for any damage or loss caused to the Client and/or their property due to the Client’s fault or the actions of third parties. The Client assumes all consequences and risks associated with any deterioration in their health or injuries resulting from independent actions, except in cases where the damage is directly caused by unlawful actions of the Organizer’s employees.

6.6. By paying for the selected Services, the Client accepts the terms of this Agreement and waives the right to demand compensation from the Organizer for any moral or material damages or health-related harm, except in cases explicitly provided for by applicable legislation. The Client acknowledges and understands that skiing and snowboarding are challenging and potentially injurious sports, and accidents may occur during lessons with a coach. The Client voluntarily agrees to assume the risks of injuries resulting from falls or other actions during skiing or snowboarding.

6.7. The Organizer shall not be held liable for the inability to serve the Client due to circumstances beyond its control, including vehicle malfunctions, business trips, or other reasons. If lessons are not held due to the Client’s fault, the payment made by the Client shall not be refunded.

6.8. Under no circumstances shall the Organizer be held liable under this Agreement (offer) for:

  • Any actions and/or omissions directly or indirectly caused by the actions/omissions of third parties.
  • Any indirect loss and/or missed profit incurred by the Client and/or third parties, regardless of whether the Organizer could foresee the likelihood of such losses.
  • The consequences of the Client’s use (or inability to use) of information received from the Organizer.

6.9. The Organizer’s total liability under this Agreement (offer) or any claim or demand related to it shall be limited to the amount paid by the Client to the Organizer under this Agreement (offer).

  1. Modification and Termination of the Agreement

7.1. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the terms of this Agreement by notifying the Client in advance through the Organizer’s official website and/or social media pages by posting the relevant information and the new version of the Agreement. The Client is obliged to review the current version of the Agreement and its annexes and periodically check for changes and/or additions to the Agreement independently. If the Client continues to use the Organizer’s Services after amendments and/or additions to the Agreement, it is considered that the Client accepts and agrees to the changes and/or additions.

7.2. Unless otherwise specified, amendments to this Agreement shall take effect upon their publication on the Organizer’s official website and/or social media pages.

7.3. If the Client attends the Courses beyond the prepaid period, the Organizer has the right to request additional payment equal to the difference between the actual attendance period’s cost and the amount paid by the Client for the corresponding period.

7.4. If the Client fails to attend the selected and prepaid Courses due to circumstances beyond the Organizer’s control (illness, summons, business trips, etc.), the Organizer reserves the right not to reschedule missed lessons.

7.5. Refunds to the Client are made in accordance with Clause 7.6 of this Agreement.

7.6. Refund Policy: Refunds are issued based on a written request (no specific format is required). The request must be submitted directly to the Organizer in paper form or sent to the Organizer’s email address. The request must include the date, the Client’s full name (surname, first name, patronymic), residential address, contact phone number, course dates, type of rate, reason for cancellation, refund amount, payment method, Client’s signature, and contact information for feedback. The request is reviewed within 10 calendar days from the date of submission. If the Organizer decides to refund the amount, the refund is issued via the same method used for payment.

7.7. Provided the Organizer has fulfilled its obligations under this Agreement, including selecting and booking skiing and/or snowboarding lessons and granting the right to participate in courses, the following refund conditions apply if the Agreement is amended and/or the Service is canceled:

  • If cancellation occurs one day before the course start date (for individual and group rate courses), the Organizer is not obliged to refund the paid amount.
  • If cancellation occurs 1–5 days before the course start date (for individual and group rate courses), the Organizer will refund 75% of the paid amount.
  • If cancellation occurs more than 5 days before the course start date (for individual and group rate courses), the Organizer will refund the full amount paid.
  • For group rates at the Children’s Ski School, the Organizer will refund the full amount paid.
  1. Force Majeure

The Parties shall be released from liability for full or partial non-performance of their obligations under this Agreement if such non-performance occurs due to force majeure circumstances, including natural and man-made emergencies such as earthquakes, fires, floods, weather conditions, technical accidents, war, any type of military operations, declaration of martial law or changes in response levels to emergencies, mobilization, terrorist attacks, mass civil unrest, strikes, disruptions in telecommunications and energy networks, epidemics, pandemics, acts/actions/decisions by state authorities, and other circumstances that arise after the Agreement takes effect and hinder the performance of the Parties’ obligations.

  1. Dispute Resolution Procedure

9.1. All disputes and disagreements arising between the Parties during the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

9.2. Claims and complaints related to the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement shall be sent by the Parties to each other via registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. The Client’s claims and complaints may also be sent to the Organizer’s official email address. The period for reviewing the claim or complaint is 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt by the other Party.

9.3. If the Parties fail to reach an agreement, disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

Rules for Conducting and Participating in Lessons

  1. The lesson schedule (working hours) is approved by the Organizer’s management. This information can be found on the Organizer’s official website, social media pages, or informational boards located at the Organizer’s premises.
  2. Lessons cannot be booked by phone.
  3. The starting and ending points of the lessons are determined at the time of Service purchase or agreed upon with the coach before the start of the lesson.
  4. Lessons begin on the date and time specified on the informational sheet provided at the Organizer’s premises and/or in the Application signed by the Client, or in the email confirmation sent to the Client upon purchasing the Service via the website.
  5. The duration of the lesson includes necessary breaks and the time required to reach or leave the slopes.
  6. The presence of parents (grandparents, nannies, etc.) during the lessons is not encouraged.
  7. Lessons are conducted using a unified methodology. All coaches are trained by the National League of Coaches.
  8. Clients must independently ensure they have the necessary equipment in good condition and purchase a Ski Pass ticket to participate in lessons.
  9. The coach selects the slope based on the Client’s (student’s) skill level.
  10. Individuals under the influence of alcohol or drugs are prohibited from participating in lessons.
  11. Participants are required to know and comply with the ten rules of conduct on slopes as adopted by the International Ski Federation (FIS).
  12. Participants must follow the coach’s instructions regarding the duration and intensity of the lesson and the attendance rules.
  13. A participant who violates the coach’s instructions may be removed from the lesson.
  14. The Organizer is not responsible for any property or personal belongings left on its premises.
  15. The consumption of food and beverages brought from outside is prohibited on the Organizer’s premises.


  1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) define the procedure and conditions for granting authorization by “Myler Mountain Resort” CJSC (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”) to physical persons, legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs for the provision of skiing and/or snowboarding training services within the territory of the “Myler” ski resort complex (hereinafter referred to as the “Resort”).

1.2. To conduct training sessions within the territory of the Resort, ski and/or snowboard instructors are required to obtain official authorization (hereinafter referred to as the “Authorization”) issued by the Organizer.

Instructors who have not obtained the Authorization are prohibited from providing any type of services, including conducting training sessions, within the territory of the Resort.

1.3. Instructors who have obtained the Authorization (hereinafter referred to as the “Instructors”) are not employees of the Resort and do not have any employment or other contractual relationship with the Organizer.

1.4. Instructors bear administrative, criminal, or civil liability, as defined by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, personally and in their own name, for the services they provide in their interactions with third parties. This includes liability for harm caused to the life or health of third parties during, as a result of, or in connection with the training sessions they conduct.

1.5. Customers are solely responsible for selecting their instructor. The Resort does not guarantee the quality of services provided by the Instructors and bears no responsibility for them.

1.6. Upon request by the Resort’s staff, the Instructor is obligated to:

Provide a document confirming the possession of the Authorization,

  • Immediately cease any actions that violate these Regulations and/or the Resort’s rules,
  • Leave the ski slope (trail) in cases stipulated by these Regulations and the Resort’s rules.
  1. Requirements for Instructors

2.1. Instructors who intend to use the Resort’s ski lift services for training clients must, in addition to the Authorization, obtain a ski pass (hereinafter referred to as the “Pass”) in accordance with the applicable rates.

2.2. Instructors are required to conduct their activities in full compliance with all safety regulations, including those in effect within the Resort’s territory. Instructors must wear a protective helmet.

2.3. Instructors must not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or psychoactive substances.

2.4. Instructors are required to familiarize themselves with all the rules of the Resort and adhere to them. The acquisition of the Authorization and/or Pass and/or the payment of their cost signifies the Instructor’s full agreement with these Regulations and other rules established by the Organizer.

2.5. The transfer of the Authorization and/or Pass to other persons is strictly prohibited.

2.6. Instructors are not permitted to train more than one person during each session.

2.7. In cases where Instructors provide skiing and/or snowboarding training without Authorization and/or a Pass, use another person’s Pass, transfer their Authorization and/or Pass to another person, lose their Authorization or Pass, or violate the conditions set forth in these Regulations and/or other rules established by the Organizer, the Organizer may, at its sole discretion, apply the following measures of liability:

  • Revocation of the Authorization,
  • Termination or blocking of the Pass,
  • Prohibition of the Instructor’s entry into the Resort’s territory.
  1. Procedure and Conditions for Granting Authorization

3.1. The cost of a one-day Authorization for providing skiing and/or snowboarding training services within the Resort’s territory is 18,000 (fourteen thousand) AMD.

3.2. To obtain the Authorization, payment must be made at the designated cash desk of the Resort. Upon payment, a receipt and an item featuring the Resort’s logo (badge, armband, or other) will be provided. When acquiring the Authorization, the Instructor must undergo a photo identification process and present an identification document.

3.3. The Authorization is provided free of charge to the following individuals:

  • Instructors holding an ISIA (International Ski Instructors Association) card.
  • Instructors who bring groups from abroad (e.g., from Russia or other countries) to visit the Resort. The group must notify the Resort in advance of their visit and complete an application indicating the number of participants and the dates of the planned events.
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