1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) define the procedure and conditions for granting authorization by “Myler Mountain Resort” CJSC (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”) to physical persons, legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs for the provision of skiing and/or snowboarding training services within the territory of the “Myler” ski resort complex (hereinafter referred to as the “Resort”).

1.2. To conduct training sessions within the territory of the Resort, ski and/or snowboard instructors are required to obtain official authorization (hereinafter referred to as the “Authorization”) issued by the Organizer.

Instructors who have not obtained the Authorization are prohibited from providing any type of services, including conducting training sessions, within the territory of the Resort.

1.3. Instructors who have obtained the Authorization (hereinafter referred to as the “Instructors”) are not employees of the Resort and do not have any employment or other contractual relationship with the Organizer.

1.4. Instructors bear administrative, criminal, or civil liability, as defined by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, personally and in their own name, for the services they provide in their interactions with third parties. This includes liability for harm caused to the life or health of third parties during, as a result of, or in connection with the training sessions they conduct.

1.5. Customers are solely responsible for selecting their instructor. The Resort does not guarantee the quality of services provided by the Instructors and bears no responsibility for them.

1.6. Upon request by the Resort’s staff, the Instructor is obligated to:

Provide a document confirming the possession of the Authorization,

  • Immediately cease any actions that violate these Regulations and/or the Resort’s rules,
  • Leave the ski slope (trail) in cases stipulated by these Regulations and the Resort’s rules.
  1. Requirements for Instructors

2.1. Instructors who intend to use the Resort’s ski lift services for training clients must, in addition to the Authorization, obtain a ski pass (hereinafter referred to as the “Pass”) in accordance with the applicable rates.

2.2. Instructors are required to conduct their activities in full compliance with all safety regulations, including those in effect within the Resort’s territory. Instructors must wear a protective helmet.

2.3. Instructors must not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or psychoactive substances.

2.4. Instructors are required to familiarize themselves with all the rules of the Resort and adhere to them. The acquisition of the Authorization and/or Pass and/or the payment of their cost signifies the Instructor’s full agreement with these Regulations and other rules established by the Organizer.

2.5. The transfer of the Authorization and/or Pass to other persons is strictly prohibited.

2.6. Instructors are not permitted to train more than one person during each session.

2.7. In cases where Instructors provide skiing and/or snowboarding training without Authorization and/or a Pass, use another person’s Pass, transfer their Authorization and/or Pass to another person, lose their Authorization or Pass, or violate the conditions set forth in these Regulations and/or other rules established by the Organizer, the Organizer may, at its sole discretion, apply the following measures of liability:

  • Revocation of the Authorization,
  • Termination or blocking of the Pass,
  • Prohibition of the Instructor’s entry into the Resort’s territory.
  1. Procedure and Conditions for Granting Authorization

3.1. The cost of a one-day Authorization for providing skiing and/or snowboarding training services within the Resort’s territory is 18,000 (fourteen thousand) AMD.

3.2. To obtain the Authorization, payment must be made at the designated cash desk of the Resort. Upon payment, a receipt and an item featuring the Resort’s logo (badge, armband, or other) will be provided. When acquiring the Authorization, the Instructor must undergo a photo identification process and present an identification document.

3.3. The Authorization is provided free of charge to the following individuals:

  • Instructors holding an ISIA (International Ski Instructors Association) card.
  • Instructors who bring groups from abroad (e.g., from Russia or other countries) to visit the Resort. The group must notify the Resort in advance of their visit and complete an application indicating the number of participants and the dates of the planned events.
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